Behind the common title “these landscapes” are three artists and one architect: Maria Udriot, Juan Castillo, Juan Carlos Peirone and Peter Dacke.
Landscape – a word that at first does not seem to need any definition, but which turns out to have many meanings: landscape with certain cultural characteristics; rural area with characteristic nature; the landscape of the soul, the inner landscape; the landscape of childhood and memories, of dreams. When the word is used as the title of an exhibition, it can also evoke associations with “landscape in oil”. The little word “these” in the title is not unimportant. Together, the two words mark that the exhibition contains unexpected interpretations of landscapes, also abstract and indefinable. The word “these” also indicates that the four exhibitors have chosen to depict completely different landscapes – in the exhibition we meet the individual projects with full clarity.
Maria Udriot’s childhood experiences in her grandparents’ house in Argentina, Juan Carlos Peirone’s antipod project and Peter Dacke’s soundscape of memories, as well as Juan Castillo’s current installation with his fellow human being at the center. It is with great anticipation that we welcome the four artists to Lunds Konsthall. We thank them warmly for all the good cooperation. To the authors of the catalog texts and the translators, I would like to express my warm thanks.
Cecilia Nelson
Lunds Konsthall May 2003