Droppings are traces and remains, it is liquid color fields combined with pencil and charcoal. Groupings, distance, emptiness, limitlessness, movement and contact are explored in the interrelationships of the forms. Strokes are not fooling you. It is fascinating that you can see with what tonality or energy they have been created. Together, these forty works have grown into a vocabulary of expression that provides an entrance into Sofia Anners abstract world.
Droppings is Sofia Anners first major exhibition that examines the meaninglessness and meaning of creation. Dropping refers both to the spontaneity of expression when something happens without active influence, but also to mental and artistic constipation that is released by facing meaninglessness which in turn creates meaning.
Droppings is a series of 40 works in the format 45 x 45 cm, painted in mixed media. They have been created during the period 2018-2022.