Kerstin Abram-Nilsson, Håkan Nyberg, Ulf Rahmberg, Bertil Englert, Hardy Strid, Gerhard Nordström, Torsten Bergmark, Berndt Nyberg, Jan Ewemo, Jacues Zadig, Olof Hellström, Albert Johansson, Bert Johnny Nilsson, Sigvard Olsson, Lennart Lindquist, Hans Hamngren, Carl Magnus, Ulf Lauters, Elisabeth Hermodsson, Carl Johan de Geer, Marie-Louise De Geer, Jörgen Nash, Jens Jörgen Thorsen Enna.
From the catalogue, text by Jacques Zadig:
Born 1930. Studies at Essemskolan in Malmö and the Art Academy in Copenhagen. Solo exhibitions in Malmö, Stockholm and Lund. Group exhibitions in Scandinavia, France, Poland, Austria and Cuba. Represented in several museums.
“There are in society, a very small group of people that have the opportunity to freely express their opinions. This group consists mainly of writers, critics and artists. As regards myself, I am in my work nowadays fully socially engaged. I do not only try to express a pacifist worldview (there is enough military power in this world) but also to express the worry that I, and many with me, feel in face of what is going on in the world. It is my firm belief that the more who attack the problems, as they now appear, the greater the possibilities of creating a tolerable future for our children and us. Apart from what I have said here, I can only hope my works make clear and complement my approach.”