Artists: Ronny Grip, Ulv Saxing, Valve Ziircher, Francisco Jose Blanco och Anita Prytz
Blue is the distinctly heavenly color. In its depths it evokes the origin of all rest. When it sinks to black, it gets an echo of almost inhuman grief. For this sorrow, infinitely deep, there is no consolation. When the color blue is raised to a lighter denomination – something it is not very suitable for – its character becomes more indifferent: like a high, cloudless sky, it distances itself from man in indifference. The lighter the blue, the dimmer until the color changes to a silent stillness: white. Musically, the light blue flute and the dark cello are similar. Deepening the blue color further reminds it of the wonderful tone of a double bass. And lastly, most solemn depth, it becomes blue as the powerful sound from the organ’s lowest register.
The future dance, equated with modern music and visual art, will immediately be able to be included as the third element in the stage composition, the first work of monumental art.
The stage composite should mainly consist of these three elements: