LIKE A PEACOCK, we tighten our plumage to be seen a little better than everyone else, sometimes the nerves are on the outside, sometimes we add something pleasurable to the body to “feel better”. “Fast food”… is everything as useful as we put in it? These questions and some more we are faced with in this year’s summer exhibition, “Shell-cover”, which is about the body: what we have on the outside, inside or adds “shell”. We have chosen to invite five female artists with the human body as their working instrument: Lotta Barlach, Helena Byström, Ylva Dahl, Johanna Schartau and Liss Annika Söderström.
LOTTA BARLACH uses in its creations e.g. packages whose contents consisted of such as we supplied to the body, necessary or unnecessary. Of the shell that remained will be a new shell.
HELENA BYSTRÖM projects slides on impossible, white dresses and gives us women a food for thought to the meat market we are often exposed to, without her being directly provocative for that reason.
YLVA DAHL depicts emotional moods, communication and vulnerability in her graphic series “Carna”. It is about the transience and vulnerability of man, of women in particular.
JOHANNA SCHARTAU shows, among other things. a bodies of thin threads, which form an irregular network. Stripped bodies with the nerve fibers only visible in an adult woman’s body and a young girl’s body.
LISS ANNIKA SÖDERSTRÖM’s floating bodies in tissue paper, cocoons, whose inhabitants have just left their cases, are reflections on the subject of genetic engineering and leave it to the viewer to take a stand for or against. What are the unimaginable possibilities?
Surely we sometimes think about what we do with our bodies…?
We have invited Helena Kågemark, a line dancer, to the opening and this is really about having full control over her body.
We welcome the artists to the art gallery and hope that everyone will have a lot of fun with the exhibition.