It is with pride that we open the doors to Jesus’ Blood Never Failed Me Yet with the Italian artist Daniele Galliano on March 20, 2010. As the first konsthall in Scandinavia, we will show Daniele Galliano’s work. Daniele Galliano was one of the artists who represented the Italian pavilion at the 2009 Venice Biennale. That we succeed in getting him to exhibit in Södertälje konsthall, I think is a good proof that the reputation of Södertälje konsthall during the 1970s and 1980s is being resumed.
The exhibition includes 13 of Daniele Galliano’s works and are all deposits from collectors in Italy, the artist himself and from the gallery that represents Daniele Galliano, Esso Gallery in New York. All works on display are characterized by a photorealistic undertone. Everything from everyday snapshots to surreal events that at first glance look extremely bland and normal.
Daniele Galliano has chosen the name Jesus Blood Never Failed Me Yet in the exhibition based on the song of the same name that has mainly become known to the general public via Gavin Bryars and Tom Waits. The idea is that the title of the exhibition will help to convey the feeling that the works radiate where many of them have a gloomy undertone but still there is a hope or at least a premonition of something better in them.
In my personal favorite Chickens, from 2009, a man with a bare torso bursts out in a roar standing in the courtyard of a residential building. This man with his tattooed arms standing in the middle of the yard among garbage cans and chickens can just as easily scream out his anxiety as his joy at the fact that he has just become a father. These double-bottomed interpretations are possible to make in most of Daniele Galliano’s paintings and even in the works where completely improbable sequences appear, one feels that there are infinite inputs to its interpretation.
Daniele Galliano chooses not to tell so much about the plot itself in the works, but leaves it to the viewer in many ways to fill these beautiful and strong paintings with content. The exhibition runs from March 20 to May 22 and will hopefully attract many curious art lovers to Södertälje konsthall.
Daniel Wetterskog, Kulturhuschef (Head of the Luna house of culture)
At this period, Södertälje konsthall was a part of the whole Luna house of culture.