Many events that take place in the world are left unnoticed and without explanation to the public. Sudden events, events that only affect people in the immediate vicinity, remain unknown to the general public. These small or big events shape our lives and sometimes give us a meaning to life. Whether it was a destructive or constructive change, it leads us to a new point in life.
Maha Mustafa and Ibrahim Rashid are an artist couple originally from Baghdad, Iraq. Now lives in Malmö and Toronto, Canada.
They moved from Iraq to Malmö in 1991. How did they end up in Malmö? Through a Swedish gallery owner in Amman, they made contacts in Sweden and the rest of Europe.
Ibrahim was born in 1957 and Maha in 1961. They met at the Art Academy in Baghdad, where they both studied art. Got a liking for each other – the way you do when you are young – the dialogue works, you feel that you are in the same line. They decided to exhibit together and reasoned that if this works, it will be a good exhibition and the continuation of our community will also be good. They got married and that is still the way it is.
Ground Zero is number three in a series of exhibitions they have worked on together. The first exhibition they called Beyond 100 ° C and the second Checkpoint X.