A two-part exhibition with the Greek artist Constantin Xenakis and the French artist Paul-Armand Gette.
“The first I saw of Constantin Xenakis was a kind of diorama, small theatre scenes where colours and shapes moved in dance rhythm, which appeared both choreographically composed with mimic colours and randomly and magically emerging from the mirrored walls of the cabinet. In the diorama’s background and ceiling there was a light and colour ballet emerging, with figures and forms living their life only as the lights go on, as the figures on the film screen.
Since then these moving light and colour shows have developed into mimic ballets, which the artist has performed on several stages in Europe in collaboration with choreographers and composers. Xenakis has also decided to build entire gallery halls as mimic scenes with mobiles, but without living actors. This exhibition has received this form, and Constantin Xenakis has built it himself in Södertälje konsthall.”
– Eje Högestätt
“Five years ago, I saw for the first time sculptures by P.A. Gette; partly at the studioes of other Paris artists and partly at Galerie Iolas. It was insect shapes in bronze and sculptures built of typographical material, mainly letters in wood and metal. Some time later I was also shown an exhibition with drawings, publications and posters by him, with small boxes rich in content put together by him but with materials left by several artists. In his drawings and letter sculptures you find the development of the “crystals” in glass and acrylic glass that he worked on during 1969 and that he is now exhibiting for the first time. We who have followed his artistic progress look forward to this exhibition with excitement, which he has installed himself in Södertälje konsthall.
– Eje Högestätt