It looks like a top ten list of textile artists!
That was not our purpose!
The aim of the exhibition is to present textiles as an independent art form. With new content and with unchanged attitudes in environmental and visual arts, conventional materials and methods have become insufficient.
In our exhibition several of the participating artists use “different” materials and techniques, but the exhibition also includes more traditional techniques such as tapestry, embroidery and more. The exhibition includes a videotape with comments that present the artists and their attitude to their work. The exhibition can be used as a complement to the teaching of art and textiles at upper secondary and high school level. The exhibition invites to theme evenings with debate and discussion about the importance of the textile art in modern society. We will also invite members of the cultural committee and municipal councilors to information evenings regarding the environmental design of public premises. The exhibition will be offered to study organizations, cultural committees, art galleries, libraries and certain schools. It is our hope that a collaboration can take place at the local level.
Artists: Majken Avén, Inga Brand, Ulla Grytt, Sten Kauppi, Hans Krondahl, Kaisa Melanton, Eva Schaeffer, Alice Sellgren, Barbro Sprinchorn, Maria Triller, Louise Yourstone.