29.1-12.3 2022. Open: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 12-18, Saturday 12-16.
In The Moonlight Catcher, Lisa Jeannin summarizes ten years of alchemical research. Södertälje konsthall shows several newly produced works and a theater with the title Fosforos. Art is an alibi for Lisa Jeannin to pursue alchemy.
As part of a research collaboration with Uppsala University in “The Shit Project”, Lisa Jeannin together with the actor David Carmel created the work Fosforos, which was premiered in Gnesta, September 2021. Fosforos, from the Greek phosphorus – light bringer, is an element found in the body and which needed to nourish thoughts and the earth. It was accidentally discovered by an alchemist in the 17th century when he was searching for the Philosophers Stone using urinary alchemy. Some alchemists believed that the Stone of the Sages could transform lead into gold. Others believed that it could give eternal life. There were also alchemists who believed that the Stone of the Sages was about finding the spark within.
Södertälje konsthall has built up a theater stage, where the magical spectacle can be experienced at certain times during the exhibition period.
The Gardener is one of the newly produced works. It is a small bronze sculpture inspired by the child’s earliest drawings, the so-called “head with feet”. When Södertälje konsthall moves, the idea is that the Gardener will follow us and become the guardian of art as a free and independent force.
The Moonlight Catcher is an object that Lisa Jeannin for several years has been sent sketches to through her dreams. In one of the dreams, the master from Mästarverket (The Master´s Work) says, in the dream, that a unicorn horn with a French crêpe iron and a glass lens will catch the moonlight, like pancakes. The object, the sculpture, is a kind of channeling of the master’s thoughts. The challenge is to catch the moonlight, it is as difficult to catch moonlight as it is to find the stone of the sages. The work Mästarverket is also presented in the exhibition.
Welcome to Södertälje konsthall!
Days for Fosforos:
During the opening: Saturday January 29.
And: Friday February 11, Saturday February 12 and Friday 11 Mach, Saturday 12 March.
Foto/Photo: Tomas Björkdal
Foto: Ronnit Hasson