Affisch Drakabygget

A group exhibition with artists from the artist collective Drakabygget outside Örkelljunga. According to the catalogue, the exhibition gathered “action art, multi-art, collective painting, paintings, collages, wood panel art, documentary things, the CO-RITUS group, underground, placard poetry, water colours and lithography.” Central to the exhibition was Lis Zwick and Jørgen Nashs’ work “Poetry Monument over a Common Worker” (“Poesimonument över en vanlig jobbare”), dedicated to the farmer Johan Johansson who at times lived at Drakabygget until his death in 1971.
Participating artists: Lis Zwick, Jørgen Nash, Jens Jørgen Thorsen, Yoshio Nakajima, Hardy Strid, H. Prem, Tom Kröj, Roberto Malquori.